USV AI Roundtable #1: AI and Search

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We’re kicking off a new lunch series at USV. We’re going to host monthly roundtables on topics in AI with investors, operators, and researchers in the NYC community. Our first roundtable will be on January 31st on AI and Search.

Search engines have been the portal to the internet for the last 30 years. They were so dominant as a top-of-funnel for internet information that it was easy to treat their importance as axiomatic. ChatGPT’s launch a year ago marked the first real threat to search’s dominance by enabling consumers to extract information from a fundamentally new representation of the internet. As the LLM paradigm has grown, solutions like Perplexity have brought existing search capabilities into an LLM-first interface. Will chat interfaces become the new front-page of the web with search as a subordinate function? How will these pressures shape underlying search technology? And how will companies respond to ensure they continue to be discoverable and able to distribute their products?

If you’re interested in potentially attending this roundtable or a future one, shoot me a DM or email me at mm at usv dot com

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